Who Leads the Black and White Fashion Movement

Malevich. Black Square

Probably, everyone thought most the paradox of Malevich's "Black Foursquare".

You lot can't think of anything easier than a black foursquare. In that location is naught easier than cartoon a black square. All the same, it is recognized equally a masterpiece.

If today it goes to open up auction, collectors will buy it for 140 million $!

How did this "misunderstanding" arise? The archaic image by all fine art critics of the world is recognized as a masterpiece. Did they conspire?

Evidently, there is something special about The Black Square. Invisible to the ordinary viewer. Let'south endeavour to discover this "something".

1. The Black Square is not every bit unproblematic as it seems

It only at first glance seems that such a masterpiece could be created past everyone: both a child and an adult without art education.

The child would not have the patience to paint such a large surface with ane color.

But seriously, an developed would inappreciably be able to repeat The Black Foursquare, because not everything in this picture is so simple.

The Black Square is NOT really black

The Black Square is not really a square. Its sides are NOT equal to each other. And the opposite sides are NOT parallel to each other.

In addition, the Black Square is NOT completely black.

Chemical assay showed that Malevich used iii dwelling house-made paints. The outset is burnt bone. The second is black ocher. And the third is another natural component … a nighttime green hue.

Malevich likewise added chalk to remove the gloss outcome of oil paints.

That is, the artist did non but take the beginning black paint and draw the square. At to the lowest degree he spent a day preparing materials.

In that location are four Black Squares

If information technology were an accidentally painted picture, the artist would non re-create it. Over the next fifteen years, he created 3 more Black Squares.

If you saw all iv paintings (two are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, one in the Russian Museum and one more than in the Hermitage), and so you probably noticed how much they are Not similar.

Yes-Yes. Despite all their simplicity, they are different. The starting time Square of 1915 (four) is considered the most energetically charged. The thing is in the successful selection of shades of black and white, besides as in the composition of colors.

All four paintings are similar in size and colour. One of the Squares is larger in size (1923 year of cosmos, stored in the Russian Museum, 3).

The other is much blacker. By color, information technology is the most deafened and all-consuming (besides stored in the Tretyakov Gallery, i).

Below are all 4 Squares. The difference in reproductions is difficult to sympathize. But maybe it will inspire you to get to Russia and see them live!

Malevich's art-works

1. Black Square. 1929. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. 2. Black foursquare. 1930-1932. Hermitage, Petrograd. iii. Blackness Square. 1923. Russian Museum, St. petersburg. 4. Black Square . 1915. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.

The Black Square closes two more paintings

On the Square in 1915, y'all probably noticed cracks (craquelure). The bottom layer of paint is visible through it. These are the colors of a different picture show. Information technology was written in protosuprematist fashion. Something like "Ladies by the lamppost."

Malevich Lady at the lamppost
Kazimir Malevich. Lady at the lamppost. 1914. City Museum Stedelek, Amsterdam

That'due south not all. Below information technology is another image. Already the third in a row. Written in the style of cubofuturism. This is how this manner looks like.

Malevich. Grinder
Kazimir Malevich. Grinder. 1912. Yale Academy Art Gallery, New Haven.

Therefore, craquelures appeared. Too thick paint.

Why such difficulties? As many as three images on one surface!

Maybe this is an accident. It happens. The artist has an idea. He wants to limited it right away. Simply there may not be a canvas at mitt. But fifty-fifty if there is a canvas, information technology needs to exist prepared, primed. So insignificant pictures are used. Or those that the artist considers unsuccessful.

It turned out a kind of picturesque nesting doll. Evolution. From cubo-futurism to cubo-suprematism and to pure suprematism in the Black Foursquare.

ii. Strong theory of a strong personality

Malevich came up with a new management in painting: Suprematism. The Black Square was created as function of this direction.

Supreme ways excellent. Since the artist considered it the highest signal in the development of painting.

This is a whole schoolhouse. Like impressionism. Like academism. Only this school was created by one person. Kazimir Malevich. He attracted many supporters and followers.

Malevich was able to clearly and charismatically talk about his abstraction. He urged to completely abandon figurativeness, that is, from the prototype of objects. Suprematism is an art that creates, not repeats, every bit the artist said.

If nosotros remove the pathos and wait at his theory from the side, then we cannot but recognize its greatness. Malevich, as befits a genius, felt in which direction the wind was blowing.

The time of individual perception was running out. What did that hateful? Previously, only a select few admired works of fine art. Those who owned it.Or could beget to visit the museum.

Now came the age of mass culture, built on simplified forms and pure colors.

Malevich understood that fine art should not lag behind. Or maybe fifty-fifty able to lead this movement.

He invented, in fact, a new pictorial linguistic communication. Proportional to the coming fourth dimension, which is about to come up. And the language has its own alphabet.

The Blackness Square is the main sign of this alphabet. "Zero forms", as Malevich said.

Before Malevich, there was some other alphabet invented by Giotto at the get-go of the Xiv century. This alphabet was the basis of all art. This is a perspective, volume, emotional expressiveness.

Giotto. Kiss of Judah
Giotto. Kiss of Judah. 1303-1305. Scrovegni Chapel Fresco in Padua, Italy.

Malevich has a completely different language. Elementary forms in which color is given a unlike role. It is not to convey nature. And not to create the illusion of volume. It is expressive in itself.

The Black Square is the primary "alphabetic character" in the new alphabet. Square, because it is the kickoff form. Blackness colour because information technology absorbs all colors.

Together with the Black Square, Malevich creates the Black Cross and the Blackness Circle. Simple elements. But they are also derivatives of the black square.

A circumvolve appears if the foursquare is rotated on a plane. The cross consists of several squares.

Malevich. Black Cross and Black Circle
Pictures of M. Malevich. Left: Black Cross. 1915. Centre Pompidou, Paris. Correct: Blackness Circle. 1923. Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

 And then  Malevich from his alphabet adds new "words". It combines color forms in simple, complex and very complex combinations.

Malevich artworks
Pictures of K. Malevich. Left: Black Square and Red Square. 1915. Museum of Modern Art, New York. In the center: Suprematist Composition. 1916. Individual collection. Right: Suprematism. 1916. Russian Museum, St. Petersburg.

Malevich worked in the fashion of Suprematism for several years. And so the incredible happened. He denied figurativeness for so long that … he returned to it.

One could regard this every bit inconsistency. Similar, "played" a beautiful theory and that's enough.

In fact, this language wanted to be used in the world of forms. And Malevich obediently returned to this earth. But portrayed him using the new linguistic communication of Suprematism.

Malevich's artworks
Pictures of Kazimir Malevich. Left: Athletes. 1932. Russian Museum. In the heart: Cherry House. 1932. In the same place. Right: Girl with a Comb in her Hair. 1934. Tretyakov Gallery.

So the Blackness Square is not the end of art, as it is sometimes called. This is the beginning of a contemporary art.

So came a new stage. Language wanted to serve people. And it passed into our lives.

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3. A huge impact on living infinite

Having created Suprematism, Malevich did everything and then that it would non gather dust in museums, merely would go to the masses.

He drew sketches of dresses. Simply during his life he was able to "put it on" only on the heroes of his paintings.

Malevich. Portrait of the Artists Wife
Kazimir Malevich. Portrait of the Creative person's Married woman. 1934. Russian Museum.

He also painted porcelain. He created patterns for fabrics.

Malevich. The Service and The Tissue sample
Left: Tea set of the Leningrad Porcelain Factory, created according to the sketches of Malevich (1922). Right: A blueprint of fabric with a drawing by Malevich (1919).

Malevich's supporters spoke in the linguistic communication of Black Foursquare. The nearly famous of them is El Lissitzky, who invented printed fonts, likewise equally a new book design.

He was inspired by the theory of Suprematism and the Black Square by Malevich.

El Lissitzky. Cover of the book by Vladimir Mayakovsky "Good!". 1927.
El Lissitzky. Cover of the book by Vladimir Mayakovsky "Good!". 1927.

This design of books seems natural to us. But simply because Malevich'southward style has firmly entered our lives.

Our contemporaries – designers, architects and fashion designers, admit that they often discover inspiration in the works of Malevich.Among them is one of the nigh famous architects, Zaha Hadid (1950—2016).

Malevich inspiration
Left: Dominion Tower. Architect: Zaha Hadid. Structure 2005—2015. Moscow (metro Dubrovka). In the middle: Tabular array "Malevich". Alberto Lievore. 2016. Espana. Right: Gabrielo Colangelo. Spring-Summer-2013 Collection.

4. Why TheBlack Square is perplexing, but nevertheless a masterpiece

Almost every viewer tries to understand Malevich with the help of a familiar linguistic communication. The linguistic communication of the naturalistic image that Giotto invented in the 14th century and which was later developed past Renaissance artists.

Many are trying to evaluate Black Square by inappropriate criteria. Like – not like. Beautiful – not beautiful. Realistic – not realistic.

Clumsiness appears. Discouragement. Because The Black Square remains deafened to such estimates. What is left? Only condemn or ridicule.

Nonsense. "The child volition draw better" or "I can practice that too" so on.

Now evaluate The Black Square as the alphabetic character of the alphabet. Like an atom of a molecule. Similar an electron of a magnetic field.

Then it will become clear why this is a masterpiece. It is impossible to evaluate The Blackness Foursquare on its own. But simply with the space that he serves.


Malevich was famous during his lifetime. But he did not receive textile benefits from this. In one case he decided to nourish an exhibition in Paris (1929). And he asked the authorities to allow him go at that place … on foot. Because he had no coin for the road.

The government realized that an creative person who came to the exhibition on foot would undermine their authority. Therefore, forty rubles were allocated for the trip.

Just after 2 weeks he was urgently chosen by telegram back. And on arrival he was immediately arrested. On a denunciation. Like a German spy.

No more than shows. No Suprematism. In the USSR, merely socialist realism is possible.

The artist died of cancer in 1935.


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